Installing MySQL Database
Overview: Configuring Mysql on your web server and commands to create databases, adding users creating password.
you can find the latest release of MySQL database here.
Download the appropriate version and install MySQL on your computer.
If you are going to install MySQL on windows machine then you will also need to download the MySQL ODBC drivers I downloaded the ODBC 3.51 ver and installed it on my Windows machine and it works great.
If are using Windows N.T / 2000 / XP then you should install MySQL as a service, follow these steps to install MySQL as service.
1) First go to command prompt (Dos Prompt) then Go to c:\mysql\bin
2) Enter this command mysqld-nt --install this will install MySQL as a service and it will load automatically with windows the next time you boot.
* You can also use these commands (First go to c:\mysql\bin)
NET START mysql To start Mysql
NET STOP mysql To Stop Mysql
Creating a New Database in MySQL
1) First go to c:\mysql\bin
2) Enter the command mysql
3) Enter this command create database mybuddy;
4) The above command will create the database mybuddy
The syntax for creating the database is create database database_name;
Creating a New User on (mybuddy) Database in MySQL
1) First go to c:\mysql\bin
2) Enter the command mysql
3) Enter use mybuddy (This will change the current database to mybuddy)
4) Enter the command exactly as show below this will create a use called buddy_user with password mypass on the mybuddy database. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mybuddy TO buddy_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass' with GRANT OPTION;
5) quit;
Editor: You can download phpMyAdmin to maintain MySQL databases, you can create table, manage databases and do a host of other database realated stuff using phpMyAdmin. Download phpMyAdmin
(Windows users need to configure the MySQL ODBC drivers please refer the other related article sections below for more info.)
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